This genre is an assortment of rhythm and blues, rockabilly, blues, and boogie-woogie. Together with the songs’ provocative and often rebellious themes, this genre is largely associated with American culture, with all of its colorful and complex histories. Even though now rock music is often commercialized, initially, it was a way to express rebellious feelings and fight the establishment.
Benchmarks of Rock Music Evolution
The history of rock is quite complicated, and there are still many experts who cannot agree on gradation and the main stages of its development. Nevertheless, there are key points whose importance cannot be denied. It was they who largely determined the vector of the development of rock music. Below you can learn more about each of them.
Early years
This period covers the 40s and 50s. At that time, the main founders of rock were black performers who experimented with more frank texts and manners of performance. It gave rise to rock and roll, which became especially popular among teenagers.
Despite the revolutionary spirit of this music then, now it does not look so brutal. You can play non-stop Roy Brown albums as background music while reading or playing your favorite games at
Alan Fried and top DJs from Memphis and Nashville played a key role in the development of rock during this period. Their music was provocative and did not correspond to the promotion of traditional values.
Many people protested against it and tried to ban rock. However, it became the very booster that led to the rock revolution. Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Fats Domino, and others created catchy thymes which were impossible to resist.
The pop music genre separated from rock during this period and began to exist independently. It was necessary to satisfy the interests and needs of a larger part of society that was not yet ready for the severity of the original.
In the sixties, there was a trend of using hallucinogenic drugs, which affected the genre. So, for example, during that period, The Beatles’ created their first trip album called “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”. At that time, Great Britain took on the laurels of superiority and showed the world pure kings of the genre: The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.
By the early 1970s, many sub-genres had emerged from rock, including hard rock, soft rock, and others. The dark and brutal music of the legendary Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin replaced the melodic and trippy sound of the sixties. Deep Purple did not lag behind them and became the genre king.
Soon, David Bowie caused a real glam rock revolution. The development of rock didn’t end there, as Queen and their legendary Bohemian Rhapsody brought a real element of experimentation to this music.
During this period, music became substantially commercialized. Rock overflowed with screaming guitar solos, driving drums, and testosterone-filled lyrics. Ozzy Osbourne, Metallica, and Guns N’ Roses became the main representatives of the era. Also, there was a growing divergence between heavy metal and alternative rock in the eighties.
It is truly the era of grunge that arose at the junction of hard rock, alternative music, and metal. The vocals became more extreme and the lyrics filled with anxiety. In the middle of the decade, Britain responded to America with a Britpop revival represented by bands such as Elastica, Oasis, and others.
The noughties
This period featured an even greater mixture of genres. Some groups combined garage rock, pop rock, emo rock, and more. Such genres as indie, new rave, and electroclash appeared. At the same time, there was a tendency towards the classic version of the sound of rock music.

Basic Rock Genres
It’s hard to say exactly how many rock music genres there are, as the music experts still can not seem to agree. Even though there are more than twenty different rock subtypes, each of which claims to be unique, they were all offshoots of the four main varieties, which are presented below.
Light, nostalgic, and heartfelt lyrics are the typical features of this rock genre. In this case, you can enjoy the harmonious voice typical for ballads. It is the music you can use for the background sound when you visit Play Fortune PL and play your favorite game.
From the point of view of commercialization, this subgenre was the most successful. Most people prefer a more measured and softer sound. Therefore, the soft rock began to be often used in all sorts of programs, series, podcasts, and more.
This music suits those looking for brutal and screaming vocals, adrenaline-filled lyrics, etc. Simply image one of the popular albums by AC/DC or Van Halen to get an insight into this genre.
This kind of rock is even more rugged with aggressive guitar riffs. Also, it is characterized by fairly loud and distorted vocals and powerful drumming. Despite the extreme brutality, the lyrics of metal bands often contain deep philosophical meanings, discussions on the topic of life and death, inequality in society, and so on. And the characteristic sound is only a tool for emphasizing the importance of the topic and a way to convey it to the audience.
Rock owes a lot to R&B, which also gave rise to the blues. Therefore, it is not surprising that since the beginning of the 60s, the typical blues rhythms have been present in one way or another in various subgenres of rock. Bands that play this music often use harmonica and piano to express their feelings and ideas.
Rock music is an integral part of the culture of humanity. Its diversity is captivating and inspiring. With its help, many people got the opportunity to express their feelings, protest against injustice, express their opinions, and so on. Undoubtedly rock has not stopped its evolution, and in the future, we will be able to enjoy genres that will continue to include novelties and original rhythms that take us back to the roots.